What is a local Council?
As their name implies local councils are the tier of local government that are closest to the people. Whether they are City, Town or Parish Councils they all have the same powers and have to act within the same legislation, exercising the powers and functions that have been conferred on them by Acts of Parliament. While this may sound very official, it gives Parish Councils considerable power to do anything to support their local communities. At the same time, Parish Councils are the least bureaucratic and the cheapest kind of authority in existence.
Local Councils have many powers which can and should be used to bring positive benefits to their community. The basic responsibility is to deliver or co-ordinate services to meet local needs, make lives more comfortable and improve quality of life. While local councils do not make final decisions on planning applications they can represent the views of the local community and influence decisions made by Cornwall Council.
More details about the responsibilities of Parish Councils or Parish Councillors can be found in The Good Councillors Guide - which can be read here https://local.gov.uk/our-support/highlighting-political-leadership/councillors-guide
Mullion Parish Council represent the concerns and aspirations of the local community of over 2,000 people
What does the Parish Council do, who are we and when do we meet?
The Parish Council is responsible for the upkeep of St Mellan's Park, the cemetery, car parks, allotments and has also taken responsibility for public toilets from Cornwall Council.
A small portion of your Council Tax (less than three pence in the pound) comes to the Parish Council for this purpose.
The Council has the right of representation on planning matters, which includes all planning applications and structure plan proposals.
The Council watches, and maintains on behalf of Cornwall Council, Public Rights of Way and parts of the South West Coastal Path.
The public toilets in Mullion are managed by a Community Interest Company which has 6 directors who are also Parish Councillors.
The specific responsibilities and operational procedures for Mullion Parish Council can be found in the Procedures link.
Who are the Parish Council?
The Council consists of up to ten elected Councillor's and the Parish Clerk.
Parish Councillors must be objective, selfless, open, display honesty and integrity, show respect for others and are accountable to the public. Details of these requirements are contained in the Code of Conduct.
Clerk to the Parish Council
Unlike Councillor's who are elected volunteers, the Clerk is an "Officer of the Council" who receives a remuneration for managing the day to day operations of the Parish Council. This covers a multitude of tasks, but includes financial administration, ensuring that adequate records are kept of all activities, and administering any plans or policies agreed by the Council.
From time to time, concerns may arise over the activities of the Council or one of its members. In the first instance these concerns should be addressed to the Clerk who will attempt to answer or resolve the problem.
Where the Parish Council meets, and when?
The Parish Council normally meets on the third Tuesday of every month in the Centenary Room at the Methodist Chapel starting at 7.00pm.
Meetings are open to the public and anyone is welcome to raise questions during the public session at the start of the meeting
However, if you have any problems which you think the Parish Council can help with, don't wait for a meeting. Talk to one of the Councillors or drop a note to the Clerk.
Other meetings are scheduled as necessary and the Annual Parish meeting is normally held in May.
The meeting notice and agenda will be posted on the Parish Noticeboard and on the home page of this website.